The Luke Hennessy Funerals Team
We at Luke Hennessy’s acknowledge and can strongly resonate in our own personal lives with the fact that grieving and mourning bear no timeline.
Having experienced many close and personal losses ourselves, from tragedy to natural passing’s the team are equipped with the greatest understanding and empathy you could be supported by.
We can assure you that throughout the Funeral process and afterwards at any time day or night; Luke, Beryl and all the team are available at your request to talk to or just listen for anyone who may simply just need an ear.
This could be prior to losing a loved one or many years after the funeral, however long the duration support continues to be in place for Families with no cost involved.
Every individual in the loved one’s family and life are a priority to the staff at Luke Hennessy’s.
Luke’s sister Beryl Hennessy BA (Hons) in Applied Social Studies in Social Care, plays a diverse role within the firm.
Beryl is a member of the Irish Children’s Bereavement Network with a vision that all children and young people, together with the adults in their lives should have access to guidance, support and the relevant information to equip them with the appropriate tools for the journey of grief.